We're so excited to see everyone in-person at Mandalay Bay for #IFE2021, but also understand health and safety are top...
Author Profile
Challan Jarrett
Challan Jarrett's Recent Articles
Why the “Video Salesperson” Is the New Traveling Salesman
With multiple content marketing strategies available to industrial suppliers and distributors, using video sales in manufacturing is a way to...
Magnet for Millennials: Attract New Talent
To the unfamiliar, the fastener industry may seem old-fashioned. However, the fastener industry is an ever-changing, ever-growing, advanced...
10 Fastener Design Trends to Watch in 2021
What’s new in fastener design for 2021? Here are 10 of the top trends to watch in fastener design – they could affect how you use fasteners in your...
What is Customer Managed Inventory and Why Should You Offer It?
Customer managed inventory is a way for you to get your inventory in the hands of your customers without you having to physically manage it...
Attending International Fastener Expo? Here’s What You Should Look For!
Planning on attending International Fastener Expo this year? IFE, staging at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, September 21 - 23, 2021 attracts more than...
Why Industrial Manufacturers and Distributors Are Investing in B2B Ecommerce
An increasing number of manufacturers and distributors are investing in B2B ecommerce. According to Digital Commerce 360, two-thirds of distributors...
7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fastener for Your Industry Application
Fasteners are used in all industries and applications. They are crucial to virtually every product you see today. When selecting fasteners for...
How Image Recognition for Manufacturing Is Redefining Parts Identification in Fasteners
Parts identification in fasteners has traditionally been a manual procedure that relies on the human eye to distinguish a specific part. While...
Why Trade Shows Are Critical to the Buyer-Manufacturer Connection
Trade shows remain an effective marketing approach even in this digital age. Digital giants such as Google and Microsoft still use trade shows to...