The 2023 International Fastener Expo, the premier gathering for fastener professionals, recently concluded its annual event with resounding success. This year’s show, held from October 9 – 11, at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV brought together over 4,300 industry exhibitors and attendees from around the world. The event featured a wide range of activities, including the annual Golf Tournament, Welcome Reception Party, bustling expo floor, diverse educational sessions, and award ceremony, all designed to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing within the fastener industry.
4th Annual Golf Tournament at the Bali Hai Golf Club
The 2023 International Fastener Expo kicked off with an unforgettable Golf Tournament at the scenic Bali Hai Golf Club. Participants, 145 players across 37 teams, enjoyed a day of friendly competition, networking, and views of the Las Vegas Strip. The tournament fostered camaraderie among industry professionals, setting the tone for the productive days to come. Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 IFE Golf Tournament:
First Place: Brandon Chapman, Jesse Schaefer, Jason Klapowich, Larry Briffett – Fastening House Inc.
Second Place: Michael Morrissey, Chris Berner, Dan Finucan, Kent Shutey – American Ring
Third Place: Jack Dobek, Dennis Doyle, Ryan Cooper, Eric Mason – B&D Cold Headed Products
Longest Drive Men: Chris Berner – American Ring
Longest Drive Women: Erin Waidelich – Aircraft Fasteners Int’l
Closest to the Pin Men: Steve Delis – Fastener Tool
Closest to the Pin Women: Erin Waidelich – Aircraft Fasteners Int’l
Welcome Reception Party
The Welcome Reception at Mandalay Bay’s Daylight Pool, held on the eve of the expo floor opening, brought over 1,000 fastener professionals out for a night of great networking, drinks and dancing, and some warm Las Vegas weather! Poolside cabanas housed gatherings of industry associations, Hall of Fame and Young Fastener Professional of the Year inductees, and the always popular cigar rolling.
We would like to thank our Welcome Reception sponsors B&D Cold Headed Products, Continental Aero, and Parker Fasteners.
Bustling Expo Floor
The expo floor was a hive of activity, featuring over 100 first time exhibitors and over 700 exhibitors in total showcasing the latest products, services, and technologies in the fastener industry. Attendees had the opportunity to explore and see first-hand the cutting-edge solutions available, engage with suppliers, and discover new market opportunities. The bustling atmosphere reflected the energy and forward-thinking that define this community of professionals.
Diverse Education
One of the standout features of the 2023 International Fastener Expo was its extensive educational program. The Expo Hall opened its doors early for a keynote presentation led by Jake Hall, the Manufacturing Millennial, that dove into the future of manufacturing, touching on topics like automation and the new workforce. Industry experts led informative sessions, a full-day training from FTI, and fireside chats on a wide array of subject matter, including innovation in fastener technology, industry trends, and best practices. The wide range of educational opportunities ensured that attendees could customize their experience to meet their specific needs and interests. Recordings from Session Stage presentations will be made available to IFE 2023 attendees and exhibitors in the coming weeks – stay tuned!
Hall of Fame and Young Fastener Professional of the Year Award Ceremony
Keeping to tradition, IFE 2023 featured its Hall of Fame and Young Fastener Professional of the Year award ceremony on Tuesday afternoon. Inductees were celebrated and cheered on by their peers, colleagues, and family! Congratulations to the 2023 award recipients:
2023 Hall of Fame
- Bob Baer, Abbott Interfast
- Eric Dudas and Brian Musker, Fasteners Clearing House and Fully Threaded Radio
- George Hunt III, Brighton-Best International
2023 Young Fastener Professionals of the Year
- Mallory Cravens Nichols, Advance Components
- Mike Robinson, Lindfast Solutions Group
Commenting on the success of the event, IFE Show Director, Morgan Wilson said, “The 2023 International Fastener Expo surpassed our expectations, bringing together industry professionals from across the globe. The special events, educational sessions, and the expo floor all contributed to the vibrant exchange of ideas and innovations that are driving our industry forward.”
The 2023 International Fastener Expo achieved its goal of providing a platform for professionals in the fastener industry to connect, learn, and collaborate. This show is one of the largest IFE events in five plus years, and show management is already looking forward to 2024! For more information and updates on next year’s event, please visit