The specific performance requirements for fasteners differ when it comes to industries and the overall performance and demands for each unique environment and application. Learn which hybrid finishing option is best for your industry.
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Sarah Varner
Sarah Varner's Recent Articles
10 Best Practices for Fastener Sourcing
Looking to streamline your fastener sourcing process, reduce risks, and ensure the successful completion of your projects? These 10 best practices will help you find and select the right fasteners.
Fastener Training Institute (FTI) Brings Industry Leading Education to IFE 2023!
Led by fastener expert, Carmen Vertullo, this full-day class brings both the basics and beyond to IFE attendees.
WIFI Spotlight: Jill Lewis
In partnership with Women in the Fastener Industry (WIFI), IFE is excited to spotlight WIFI member, Jill Lewis, showcasing the professional strides she has made and how WIFI has played a role in her growth and success.
IFE is Excited to Welcome Jake Hall as the 2023 Keynote Speaker
Before the official opening of the Exhibit Hall on October 10, Jake Hall AKA the Manufacturing Millennial, will take to the stage to deliver a keynote session you won’t want to miss.